Wednesday, January 1, 2014


 Estimad@s amig@s:

Un cordial saludo a todos,

Estoy promocionando y vendiendo una excelente oportunidad  de inversion en Bienes Raices, con el mejor retorno y el mas eficiente property management que he conseguido este año.

Estos dos meses que estuve en Miami (de Septiembre a Noviembre 2013) investiguè mucho el mercado inmobiliario, buscando alternativas de inversiòn para varios amigos y familiares que necesitan colocar sus $$ y sacarles el màximo provecho. Asi pues, Regency Gardens Condominiums de CFCapital (en Orlando, Florida), es sin duda lo mejor que he conseguido en mucho tiempo.

En los attachments encontraran toda la información necesaria que me fuê enviada hace unos dìas por los constructores y dueños del complejo residencial, que ya está listo y funcionando en un 100%. CFCapital es la misma empresa dueña y administradora del condominio en el que mi mamà y yo compramos propiedades en el pasado. Allì todos los aptos se acabaron, estàn vendidos. Además las unidades han subido de precio una barbaridad, me dan excelente retorno y cero dolores de cabeza. Estoy feliz de haber tomado la sabia decisiòn de comprar el mio y los de mi mamà cuando pude hacerlo. Ahora mi hermana està comprando tambièn una unidad de 2/1 en el Regency Gardens. Como bien sabemos, la escasez de divisas en el paìs se agudiza dìa a dìa, convirtiendo asì la inversiòn en el extranjero en un incentivo mas de aseguar dolares mensualmente.
Otro punto interesante es que los precios de las unidades no son altos. Por el contrario, son economicos, lo que las hace asequibles para comprar mas de una. Yo hoy en dìa, como Realtor, considero mucho mejor tener 2 o 3 propiedades mas economicas que me den renta, que 1 sola muy costosa, por la sencilla razòn que si una de las propiedades se desocupa, pues tengo la otra, ademàs, si en un futuro deseo venderla, no solo es MUCHISIMO mas fàcil vender una propiedad que no sea muy costosa, sino que puedo salir de una y quedarme con la(s) otra(s).. Son muchos los beneficios de este tipo de inversiòn.
Bàsicamente se trata de diversificar los ahorros, esos $$ que tenemos fuera. La propuesta es ideal para aquellas personas que tienen 100, 200, 300 mil $$ ahorrados y colocados en CDs o money markets y quieran poner a producir parte de esos ahorros en alguna inversión SEGURA, pero con un mejor retorno.

CFCapital es una constructora de muchìsimo prestigio, que además está involucrada en bienes raìces como tal y es de las mas reconocidas a nivel nacional en USA. Pueden buscar información sobre ellos en internet si asì lo desean.

Yo saqué los nùmeros y todas las unidades dejan un retorno de entre el 6 y el 6.5 % anual. Les mando un estimado que saquè como ejemplo para que lo tengan de referencia: LA UNIDAD TIPO B DE LOS 1/1 DE 660 SQ FT.,CUESTA 79.700 $, DEJA UNA RENTA MENSUAL NETA,( DESPUES DE DESCONTAR EL MAINTENANCE FEE Y EL PROPERTY TAX) DE 435 $. ESTO LO MULTIPICAS POR 12 Y DEJA UNA RENTA ANUAL DE 5.229.48 $. ESTO ES EL 6.5 % DE RETORNO, AUNADO A QUE LA PROPIEDAD SE VA A REVALORIZAR CADA AÑO, ASI TU DINERO NO SE DEVALUA EN EL BANCO. Como dicen por aqui, siempre tienes tu real y medio, y a la hora de que necesiten venderlo, la revalorizaciòn del inmueble es muchìsimo mas alta que la tasa de inflaciòn en USA. A su vez, el alquiler tambien sube cada año, tomando en cuenta el valor de la propiedad, que es cada vez mayor, y la demanda del mercado inmobiliario, que aumenta cada dìa mas en Florida. Los alquileres aumentan en el estado de Florida un 10% cada año, el promedio mas alto de USA.
Ademàs, ellos mismos administran tu propiedad gratis por dos años y te garantizan el inquilino. Si se llega a ir el tenant y no ha sido rentado por alguien el siguiente mes, ellos te pagan el alquiler. Aunque en el caso de mi mamá y el mio propio, eso jamàs ha pasado, mas bien existe una lista de espera para alquilar en Milan, nuestro condominio. Esto para mi, es lo mas interesante de todo, pues tu dinero es depositado todos los 28 de cada mes en tu cuenta bancaria. Recuerden que la construcciòn estuvo parada en casi todo USA por casi 6 años, y hay un dèficit importante de vivienda. Aqui en Regency Gardens sucede lo mismo. Hay gran demanda para alquilar las unidades en este complejo residencial.
Saquen los nùmeros y veràn que la inversiòn y el retorno son excelentes. Ningùn banco o banca de inversiòn te ofrece ese retorno por tu dinero, a menos que sea de muy alto riesgo. No creo que los venezolanos estamos en la posiciòn de arriesgar los pocos dòlares que tenemos. Real Estate siempre es algo seguro y que se revaloriza, mas aún despuès del desplome de la economía americana, culpa de los bancos y sus créditos blandos, que ya hoy en dia estan prohibidos y penados por la ley.

Algunos tips de interès:
Solamente el condado de Dade, recibe diariamente un promedio de 61 familias que se mudan a èl,de las cuales el 76.2% de ellas vive alquilada. Esto es un total de 19.265 familias anuales.
El condado de Broward recibe un aproximado de 38 familias diarias, y el area de Orlando un promedio de 29,3 familias diarias. Aqui El 85.7 % vive alquilada. El promedio mas alto de alquileres lo tiene la zona de Orlando.

A continuacion les anexo en los attachments la informacion.


 Un abrazo

Marianella Angulo Capriles
2828 Coral Way, Suite 435 Miami Fl 33185

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today’s market once-in-lifetime opportunity
WASHINGTON – Nov. 30, 2011 – The monthly cost of owning a home is more affordable now than in the past 15 years, and is less expensive than renting in numerous cities, according to The Wall Street Journal’s third-quarter survey.

Low home prices mixed with low mortgage rates – hovering at 4 percent or lower – create an appealing buyer’s market, analysts say. For example, buyers today have a 77 percent increase in their borrowing power compared to 1991, according to Dan Green, a loan officer with Waterstone Mortgage in Cincinnati. He says that in 1991 a $1,700 mortgage payment allowed a borrower to take out a $200,000 mortgage; today, at current interest rates, the homebuyer can get a $350,000 loan for that same monthly mortgage payment.

In 12 our of 28 cities tracked by The Wall Street Journal, monthly mortgage payments on a median-priced home – including taxes and insurance – were lower than the average rent levels.

In Atlanta, owning was the most favorable compared to renting. The monthly rent on a median-priced home there was $539 during the third quarter (with a 20 percent downpayment) compared to the average asking rent, which averaged $840, according to data provided by Marcus & Millichap.

Nationwide, apartment rents are expected to rise by about 4 percent this year, which may make the owning vs. renting picture tilt even higher, according to some analysts.

Despite the appealing housing picture for homebuyers, some continue to stay on the sidelines, unable to sell their current home, qualify for a mortgage due to the tighter credit requirements or keep a steady job, housing experts say.

Source: “Stronger Lure for Prospective Home Buyers,” The Wall Street Journal (Nov. 26, 2011)

© Copyright 2011 INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD (301) 215-4688

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Home Market sees a sliver of good news

Home market sees a sliver of good news
WASHINGTON – Nov. 18, 2011 – The share of borrowers falling behind on home loans dropped in the third quarter, and building permits for single-family homes climbed in October to their highest level in 10 months, new data show.

The reports bring “some of the most solid, relatively good news” that the housing sector has seen in some time, said Jed Kolko, chief economist for real estate website Trulia.

The Mortgage Bankers Association said Thursday that the share of mortgage borrowers who have missed at least one payment – but are not yet in foreclosure – fell to 8 percent in the third quarter from 8.4 percent in the second quarter.

The share of borrowers more than 30 days behind but less than 60 days late fell the most, to a four-year low of 3.2 percent from 3.5 percent in the second quarter.

That drop suggests that fewer borrowers are falling behind for the first time, which will reduce foreclosures years from now.

Still, 4.2 million borrowers are more than 90 days behind on their mortgages or are already in foreclosure. Most of those borrowers will lose their homes to foreclosure or other distressed sales in the coming years.

That will continue to put pressure on home prices, said Paul Dales, economist at Capital Economics. He expects U.S. home prices, down about 4 percent from last year, to stay flat next year.

“We’re moving in the right direction, but we’re still well above normal” for troubled loans, said Michael Fratantoni, MBA’s vice president of research and economics.

He says the number of new delinquencies should continue to decline if job growth continues.

Home building is also well below normal, even with the stronger October showing.

Housing starts slipped slightly in October from September to an annual rate of 628,000, the Commerce Department said Thursday. That’s about half the pace of long-term trends leading up to the housing bubble.

Single-family starts were up 3.9 percent from September. Permits, which are a better indicator of future activity, rose 5.1 percent for single-family homes and 24 percent for multifamily units, the Commerce Department said.

The October results point to a single-family market that’s “finally getting off the mat” and a multifamily segment that’s making “small strides,” said Patrick Newport, economist at IHS Global Insight. Still, single-family home starts and permits are likely to set record lows this year, Newport says.

© Copyright 2011 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc., Julie Schmit

Friday, October 28, 2011


Bargains abound: What are buyers waiting for?
NEW YORK – Oct. 28, 2011 – With low home prices and ultra-low interest rates, the housing market now offers “perhaps the best deals of a generation,” notes a recent article by Bloomberg Businessweek.

Since the housing boom of 2006, home prices have fallen about 31 percent. Also, mortgage rates have been hovering at record lows for the past few weeks  – in the 4 percent range or even lower on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, according to Freddie Mac’s mortgage market survey.

“It’s hard to see the possibility of losing on a home purchase right now, with these mortgage rates,” says economist Dean Baker. “Prices may go lower, but not by much.”

The article notes the following scenario: Buying a $300,000 home with a 4 percent mortgage rate and a 20 percent down payment would mean a $1,145 monthly payment. The Mortgage Bankers Association recently predicted that home prices may fall another 3.5 percent by mid-2012, but mortgage rates will increase by a half-point. Under that same loan scenario, a home would sell for $289,000 while the monthly mortgage bill would be $1,171 – only a $26 difference.

For those who can qualify for a mortgage, “playing the waiting game” won’t result in much gain, Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS in Englewood, Colo., told Bloomberg Businessweek.

Source: “Crazy Home Deals Await the Creditworthy,” Bloomberg Businessweek (Oct. 24, 2011)

© Copyright 2011 INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD (301) 215-4688

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Top 10 Reasons To Own Rather Than Rent

Top 10 reasons to own rather than rent
WOODLAND HILLS, Calif. – Oct. 17, 2011 – In an era of foreclosures, buyers focus on financial reasons for purchasing, but ownership has emotional rewards too. A California condo developer, the Met Warner Center, put together the following list – but it applies from Florida to Alaska.

Top 10 reasons to own rather than rent

1. You own it: With no landlord, you make the decisions.

2. You deduct it: Mortgage interest, property taxes and some costs involved with buying a home can be deducted from federal income taxes.

3. Interest rates: The cost to borrow mortgage money is at an all-time low. If you’re going to buy, this is the time to jump into the market.

4. You invest in it: Rent money is gone forever. Mortgage payments build home equity ownership interests.

5. You save for the future: Home equity is a ready-made savings plan. Sell it and you can make up to $250,000 cash without owing any federal income tax on the profit.

6. You can predict expenses:  Unlike rent, a fixed-mortgage payment doesn’t get more expensive over time.

7. You pick it: Choose from different neighborhoods, styles and price ranges.

8. You create it: Decorate, renovate, get a pet or paint the walls whatever color you want – it belongs to you.

9. You live in a neighborhood: You and your neighbors take pride in the local schools, roads and more – and you work together to build a friendly community.

10. You spend money on yourself: When you buy a chandelier or hardwood floor or kitchen cabinet, you’re spending hard-earned money on yourself and building your equity at the same time.

© 2011 Florida Realtors®

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Housing Market

National outlook impacts housing market
WASHINGTON – Oct. 12, 2011 – American consumers pay close attention to economic news and what policymakers say, and they continue to link their personal financial outlook to events occurring nationally. As a result, Fannie Mae’s September National Housing Survey finds most consumers still pessimistic about the economy, home prices and household finances.

“Despite a decline in negative economic headlines during September … consumers continue to demonstrate very negative attitudes,” says Doug Duncan, vice president and chief economist of Fannie Mae. “At the same time, the share of consumers expecting mortgage rates to go up dropped sharply to the lowest level we have recorded. The lack of a sense of urgency to buy homes … coupled with general pessimism regarding their own personal finances and the economy, bodes poorly for the recovery of the housing market.”

Survey highlights

Homeownership and renting

• Only 33 percent of Americans say that mortgage rates will go up in the next 12 months (down 12 percentage points since August – the lowest number recorded in Fannie Mae’s monthly tracking).

• For the fourth month in a row, Americans expect home prices to decline over the next year. On average, Americans expect home prices to go down by 1.1 percent, the highest expected decline to date.

• Only 18 percent of respondents expect home prices to increase over the next 12 months, the lowest reported number to date in the National Housing Survey, while 25 percent say they expect home prices to decline (down by 2 percentage points since August).

• While 68 percent of Americans say it is a good time to buy a home (down 1 percentage point since last month), only 10 percent of those polled say it is a good time to sell one’s home (up by 1 percentage point since August).

• On average, Americans expect home rental prices to go up by 3.3 percent over the next year, down slightly from the expected increase of 3.5 percent observed in August.

• Despite continued consumer caution about taking on a large financial obligation to buy a home, 63 percent say they would buy their next home if they were going to move (up by 1 percentage point since August), while 32 percent of Americans say they would rent their next home (down 2 percentage points since last month).

The economy and household finances

• The number of Americans who expect their personal financial situation to worsen over the next year has decreased for the first time in four months (down from 22 percent in August to 19 percent in September).

• Seventy-seven percent say the economy is on the wrong track (down only 1 percentage point from last month), while only 16 percent think the economy is on the right track (the same as in August).

• Forty-three percent report significantly higher expenses compared to one year ago. This number has increased for five consecutive months, but the majority of respondents still say their household income has remained the same.

© 2011 Florida Realtors®

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Who’s your next customer?
ORLANDO, Fla. – Oct. 4, 2011 – Growth in the real estate sector in the coming years will be driven from several different directions.

The 2010 Census indicates that the median age of residents climbed to 40 or older in seven states. The Rust Belt states in the Midwest have the largest population of older adults, but other areas are seeing increases in the 55-to-64 demographic as well.

Experts say Baby Boomers – the first of whom turn 65 this year – are staying in the labor market longer and aging in place, and they continue to prefer homeownership to renting.

The number of Millennials (age 20 to 34) is also rising, and this population segment makes household creation decisions based on jobs but will likely rent for the next several years due to tight lending standards.

Minorities account for about 33 percent of the U.S. population, and the Census shows that Hispanics and Asians no longer congregate mainly in coastal and border areas. The Hispanic population is on the rise in Nashville, Tenn.; Greenville, S.C.; and Charlotte, N.C., while the Asian population is increasing in Orlando; Riverside, Calif.; and Phoenix. Experts say minorities tend to favor renting.

Meanwhile, the Census indicates that demand for office space will rise in the coming years as the number of office workers expands; and declines in household income have put a focus on “value shopping,” suggesting there will be more discount retailers leasing space in mainstream malls.

© Copyright 2011 INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD (301) 215-4688